Friday 02.22.19
With 54 member states, the ISESCO consultation, which took part in February 2019, serves one of the largest international organizations that support links between R&D and scientific cooperation and implements mechanisms for STI development, growth, and competitiveness. Photo © OHK Consultants.
OHK took part in a consultation under the 2019 framework of ISESCO to implement national Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) observatories in 54 member states. We provided insight to assist innovation leading organizations in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East devise country-wide policies and strategies for STI development, and set up national Institutions in charge of STI monitoring and evaluation of STI.
The consultation focused on implementation lessons that go beyond in-the-drawer-strategies to building real-world STI-enabling organizations. We guided decision makers on designing innovative approaches to manage the performance of public policies, programs, and service delivery and foster more inclusive, collaborative and responsive processes across varied STI development cycles. OHK has developed a unique, adaptable and customizable M&E roadmap and toolbox for governments to monitor and evaluate innovation policies and results and respond to higher levels of uncertainty typically found in emerging knowledge economies and fast-changing innovation hubs.
OHK’s input was timely as various ISESCO countries who attended the consultation, such as Morocco, Malaysia, Jordan, and Egypt, have been undergoing challenges in transitional e-government services. Our team provided case studies on the application of ICT to tackle the Inherently qualitative and diffuse nature of innovation and showcased OHK's innovation stakeholders' co-working and productivity applications which have a built-in M&E backbone for innovation development.
For more information about OHK’s innovation advisory services across the globe, contact us.