Efforts to develop and empower communities often fail because market forces prove overwhelming, displacing indigenous peoples and disrupting social continuity. We are retained to solve this challenge, whether by governments at a national level or by investors at a master plan or destination level. At either level, we ensure that development schemes account for basic services and that the economic strategies that underpin these schemes accommodate pro-poor growth. Good governance, institutional reforms, and organizational capacity building are key elements of our consulting work, and our frameworks for citizen and community empowerment are in use today by government departments, non-profits, and national investment vehicles around the world.
What sets us apart from our peers is our ability to integrate pro-community market design at a strategy or project design level. Our team is well versed in private investments and labor markets, and we understand how private wealth “thinks”. Consequently, we can structure projects to build in community empowerment schemes that do not weaken as market forces kick in. In addition, as business consultants who work in both the public and private capital markets, we are effective in providing business development services for micro/SMEs and growing financial services.